Latest version 7.0.2 / Core plugin 3.0.2
September 24, 2020
- ADDED: Pre-built website — Restaurant
- ADDED: Product menu layout Elementor Widget
- ADDED: Testimonials Elementor Widget
- ADDED: Save multiple headers button position in the sidebar
- ADDED: Resizing of the header builder panel
- ADDED: Editing of the multiple header name
- ADDED: Copy (duplicate) button for the header
- ADDED: Language selector for conditions
- ADDED: Sub-items (sub-categories) checkbox for the categories (multiple header conditions)
- IMPROVED: Max value of the paragraph font-size (24 to 35)
- IMPROVED: Import of the Elementor/WPBakery versions
- IMPROVED: Header & single product builder
- FIXED: Customizer preview refresh while changing device (to make fixed header work correctly on mobile )
- FIXED: Off-canvas sidebar on taxes pages
- FIXED: Dokan store reviews page
- FIXED: XSS vulnerabilities for search request
- FIXED: woocommerce_get_page_id deprecated function
- FIXED: Import errors for product_variation and variations_trems
- FIXED: WPML multicurrency switching for product in Quick View